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(哈尔滨体育学院运动科学与健康学院,哈尔滨 150008 ;华中师范大学体育学院,武汉 430079;哈尔滨体育学院学术理论研究部,哈尔滨 150008)
公平而有质量的体育教育是新时代党和国家对办好人民满意的体育教育的新要求和新承诺。 运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,阐释了公平而有质量的体育教育的内涵,并分析了其所面临的体育教育公平政策执行偏差、优质体育教育资源配置不均衡、高质量的体育教育供给不充分、评价标准缺失等问题。在此基础上提出,要以政策落实为抓手,弘扬体育教育公平理念;以优化资源配置为基础, 促进体育教育公平;以内涵建设为核心,提升体育教育质量;以评价标准为导向,兼顾公平和质量, 以推进体育教育升级换代。
关键词:  教育公平  体育教育公平  教育质量  公平而有质量
基金项目:黑龙江省省属本科高校优秀青年教师基础研究支持计划资助 (YQJH2023007)
Connotation Interpretation, Realistic Dilemma and Realization Path of Equality and Quality Physical Education
CHANG Feng,LI Yanlong,LU Changfen
(School of Sports Science and Health, Harbin Sports University, Harbin 150008 , China ;School of Physical Education, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079 , China;Academic Theory Research Department, Harbin Sport University, Harbin 150008 , China)
Equality and quality physical education is the new requirement and new commitment of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the state to run the physical education that the people are satis fied with in the new era. By using the methods of literature and logical analysis, this paper explains the connotation of equality and quality physical education, and analyzes the problems faced by it, such as the deviation of the implementation of the fair policy of physical education, the unbalanced alloca tion of high-quality physical education resources, the insufficient supply of high-quality physical edu cation, and the lack of evaluation standards. On this basis, it is proposed that the policy implementa tion should be taken as the starting point to carry forward the concept of equality in physical educa tion; on the basis of optimizing the allocation of resources, promote the equality of physical educa tion; with connotation construction as the core, improve the quality of physical education; guided by evaluation criteria, taking into account equality and quality, in order to promote the upgrading of physical education.
Key words:  educational equality  physical education equality  educational quality  equality and quality

