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(山东大学 体育学院,济南 250061 ;山东大学 反垄断与规制经济学重点研究基地,济南 250100)
关键词:  职业足球联赛  制度变迁  效率与公平  体制改革  制度互动  制度互鉴
Research on the Institutional Change and Optimization of Chinese Professional Football League: Based on the Perspective of Efficiency and Fairness
WANG Huizong,ZHAO Lidan
(School of Physical Education, Shandong University, Jinan 250061 , China ;Antitrust and Regulation Research Centre, Shandong University, Jinan 250100 , China)
By using the methods of literature and data analysis, drawing on the theory of new institutional economics and industrial organization, based on the perspective of efficiency and fairness, this paper combs the institutional change process of Chinese professional football league.Combined with the current situation of football league performance under the current system, this paper analyzes the ought-to-be environment of league system change, and then discusses the optimization path of league system from the three diachronic linkage mechanisms of the system proposed by Aoki Masahiko. It is found that the Kuznets curve can be used to explain the relationship between income distribution and performance in the field of professional sports in China, which points out the possible direction for the future reform of the professional football league system; the competitive strength of professional football clubs is limited, and the competition of professional football leagues is insufficient, and the institutional imbalance is the root cause of the low performance of the league. In the future, we should cultivate a good institutional environment for China’s professional football league from the aspects of improving the market system and promoting the coordination of league participants. The specific optimization paths include: continue to deepen the system reform, use the system linkage effect to guide the league market competition mechanism to improve continuously; innovate the interactive mode of the system, and make up for the defects in the spontaneous operation of the informal system with the reconstruction of the system linkage mechanism and the derivative effect of the system; form a higher level of institutional mutual learning, and incubate the professional league system with Chinese characteristics with the help of technology spillover effect.
Key words:  football professional league  institutional change  efficiency and fairness  system reform  institutional interaction  mutual learning of systems

