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运用区位熵及Moran’s I指数法并结合Moran散点图,对京津冀地区13个城市体育服务产业空间集聚与发展情况进行分析。测算结果显示,北京及河北省的石家庄市、秦皇岛市、承德市行业集聚水平显著。京津冀地区体育服务产业存在显著的空间正相关。除部分年份外,大部分河北省地级市呈低—低集聚,集聚两极分化现象显著。北京市充分发挥“赋能”作用,在渗透作用和空间邻近效应下,逐渐拉动临近城市体育服务产业发展。为加快京津冀地区体育服务产业发展,提出要科学引导规划体育服务产业集群发展,提高区域内集群产业关联性,加强体育服务产业集群创新体系建设。旨在为我国其他区域体育服务产业的结构优化、融合发展提供参考。
关键词:  京津冀  体育服务产业  空间集聚  区位熵  Moran’s I指数  散点图
Research on the Spatial Agglomeration Level of Sports Service Industry under the Coordination of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei
XU Lei
(Jilin Sport University, Changchun 130022, China)
This paper analyzes the spatial agglomeration and development of sports service industry in 13 cities in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei by using location entropy and Moran’s I index method and Moran scatter diagram. The results show that the industrial agglomeration level of Beijing and Hebei Province is significant. There is a significant positive spatial correlation between the sports service industry in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. Except for some years, most of the prefecture level cities in Hebei Province are lowlow agglomeration, and the agglomeration polarization is significant. Beijing gives full play to the role of “empowerment”, and gradually promotes the development of sports service industry in neighboring cities under the infiltration and spatial proximity effects. In order to speed up the development of sports service industry in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, it is proposed to scientifically guide and plan the development of sports service industry cluster, improve the industrial relevance of sports service industry cluster in the region, and strengthen the construction of innovation system of sports service industry cluster. The purpose is to provide reference for the structural optimization and integrated development of sports service industry in other regions of China.
Key words:  Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei  sports service industry  spatial agglomeration  location entropy  Moran’s I index  scatter diagram

