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足球道德: 一种贯穿于东西方球迷心理中的恒定秩序
(上海体育学院 传媒与艺术学院,上海200438)
关键词:  足球道德  实用主义  工具理性  宗教  喜剧  悲剧
Soccer Morality:A Constant Order Permeating the Minds of fans in the East and the West
LU Yunting
(The School of Media and Arts, Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200438,China)
Football is not a classical way of physical training which has the function of uniting people’s hearts as a group sport. The team spirit advocated by modern industrialized society can be responded in the world to football.The moral law of football immediately derived a high degree of pragmatism, and gradually made Chinese fans derive a kind of instrumental rationality that rushed out of Asia and went to the world after the introduction to football into China, thus football became the moral instrument of Chinese fans.Football has become a practical thing in the eyes of many Chinese fans in the context of moralism, which deviates from the original meaning of football.There are differences between morality and religion in football, which are embodied in differences between comedy and tragedy.Chinese people think football is a comedy and the concept of morality comes into being. Westerners think football is a tragedy and the only function is redemption. Chinese people think football is moral while Westerners think it is religion.Many special phenomena in Chinese football field have originated from this cognitive contradiction since modern times.Football is originally a symbol of suffering, which can bring the experience of selfredemption to the fans. This is the original intention of football and the place where football transcends instrumental rationality.
Key words:  football morality  pragmatism  instrumental rationality  religion  comedy  tragedy

