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(中原工学院信息商务学院 基础学科部,郑州451191)
关键词:  体育意识  自我意识  主我  客我  角色扮演  符号互动
The Dialectical Relationship between “I” and “ME” in Sports Consciousness——Thoughts on the “De role” Sports Behavior
SUN Xujing
(Department of Basic Disciplines, School of Information Business, Zhongyuan University of Technology, Zhengzhou 451191, China)
Based on Mead’s explanation of self and Hegel’s philosophy, this paper discusses the development of individual selfconsciousness in sports from the perspective of role imitation in sports. It is believed that only by imitating actions and roles can individuals acquire sports skills and promote sports behaviors. At the same time, the role will also have a negative impact on sports, and the main body of sports behavior will try to break through and break away from the role. With the increase of sports experience, the movement skills will be obviously “derole”, which is caused by the selfconsciousness between the “I”and “me”. The“I” consciousness has the characteristics of creativity and uncertainty, as well as concealment and dominance. The “me” consciousness has the characteristics of stability and compliance. The “me” consciousness of beginners of sports skills plays a major role in promoting the fixation of sports skills; in sports competitions, the “I”consciousness gradually develops and matures, and the“I”and “me” consciousness consciousness merge with each other, indicating that sports consciousness belongs to rationality. The essence of sports is people’s symbolic interaction on the level of consciousness, which promotes the coordinated development of individuals and society.
Key words:  sports consciousness  self consciousness  “I” consciousness  “me” consciousness  role play  symbolic interaction

