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辨析与整合: 高强度功能性训练科学研究的理性审视
((1.?首都体育学院 研究生部,北京100191)
关键词:  高强度功能性训练  高强度间歇训练  军事体能  大众健身  运动表现  训练动机
Differentiation and integration:Rational Review of Scientific Research on High intensity Functional Training
WANG Runji
(Graduate Department, Capital University of Physical Education and Sports, Beijing 100191,China)
Methods of literature and logic analysis are used to sort out and analyze the scientific background, concept cognition of highintensity functional training, its similarities and differences with highintensity interval training and the application in mass fitness. It is believed that highintensity functional training is a training method based on the training concepts of highintensity interval training and resistance training. It combines the basic training ideas of functional training, and the formation of the action mode as the logical starting point and the highstrength as the basic principle, and intermittent time interval as the adjustment method, and the improvement of participants’ aerobic and anaerobic energy supply capacity, motion quality and physical energy reserve as the purpose. The difference between high intensity functional training and high intensity interval training lies in the difference between action mode dominant and rest time interval. Highintensity functional training can effectively strengthen the training motivation of novice exercisers and some female participants in mass fitness, and then play a role in optimizing sports performance.
Key words:  high Intensity functional training  high intensity interval training  military physique  public fitness  athletic performance  training motivation

