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我国体育社团内部治理 现代化的标准、改革思路与路径
(1.湖南城市学院 体育学院;2.华南师范大学 体育科学学院)
关键词:  体育社团  内部治理  现代化  标准  法治  制度设计  治理结构  人才培养
基金项目:教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目(16YJC890015);湖南省社科基金项目(16YBA057);湖南省普通高校教学改革研究项目(湘教通[2015]291号 429);2018年湖南省教育厅高校创新平台开放基金项目“自组织视域下湖南省城市社区体育自治机制研究”(18K098)
Study on the Modernization Standard, Reform ideas and Paths of Internal Governance of Sports Associations in China
LIU Chunmei
(School of Physical Education, Hunan City University,School of Sport Sciences, South China Normal University)
The modernization of sports association governance is the key and core content of modernization of sports governance in China. On the basis of analyzing the policy environment of internal governance modernization of sports associations in China, from the perspective of the internal governance mechanism of sports associations, the structural elements of internal governance of sports associations are expounded: governance subjectsmanagers, governance toolssystems, governance benefitseffect. Drawing on the standards of national governance modernization, the criteria for the modernization of internal governance of sports associations in China is sorted out: the rule of law thinking of the governors, the institutionalization and standardization of internal power operations, the democracy of internal decisionmaking and the coordination of internal structures, and the maximization of governance benefits, which means good governance. It is noted out that sports associations should take the innovation of national governance system as an opportunity to strengthen the design of internal governance system; aim at modernization of internal governance of the associations to improve internal governance structure; strengthen the internal governance capacity as the core and strengthen the cultivation of governance talents.
Key words:  sports associations  internal governance  modernization  standards  rule of law  institutional design  governance structure  talent cultivation

