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大型体育场馆 免费低收费开放补助资金使用管理研究 ——基于A省7座体育场馆的实地调查
(湖北省社会科学院 财贸所,武汉体育学院 研究生院)
关键词:  大型体育场馆  免低开放  补助资金  使用管理  公共体育服务  拨付  监管  核算  评价
Research on the Utilization and Management of Subsidy Funds for Free and Low fee Large Stadiums and Gymnasiums——A Field Survey of Seven Stadiums and Gymnasiums in A Province
(Institute of Finance and Trade, Hubei Academy of Social Sciences,Graduate School, Wuhan Sports University)
Since 2014, the central government has subsidized the opening of free and lowfee large stadiums and gymnasiums, so as to promote the opening of large stadiums to the society and meet the needs of the masses for fitness venues. Firstly, this paper interprets the “Management Measures of Free and Lowfee Opening Subsidy Funds for Large Stadiums and Gymnasiums” and analyses the connotation of the subsidy funds. According to the field survey on the utilization and management of free and lowfee subsidy funds for seven largescale stadiums and Gymnasiums in A province of central China, it is found that the proportion of subsidy funds used for energy expenditure is the highest, while the proportion used for public sports activities is low. It is pointed out that in the aspect of fund appropriation, the implementation of relevant provisions of subsidized funds is not enough; in the aspect of fund utilization, the structure of subsidized funds expenditure is unreasonable; in the aspect of accounting processing, the accounting system of subsidized funds is not perfect; in the aspect of fund supervision, the supervision and performance evaluation system of subsidized funds is not perfect. Finally, some suggestions are put forward including improving the way of fund subsidy, changing “presubsidy” to “postsubsidy”, setting different levels of subsidy standards, strengthening the implementation of relevant provisions, refining and clarifying the content and methods of its accounting management to ensure the exclusive utilization of subsidy funds; establishing and improving the supervision and performance evaluation system of subsidy funds, and improving the efficiency of the utilization of subsidy funds. This study is designed to strengthen the management of subsidy funds, improve the efficiency of the utilization of subsidy funds, and promote the development of the cause of national fitness.
Key words:  large stadiums and gymnasiums  free and low fee opening  subsidy funds  utilization management  public sports services  fund appropriation  supervision  accounting  evaluation

