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(沈阳工业大学 管理学院,沈阳 110870 ;沈阳工业大学 学报编辑部,沈阳 110870;大连医科大学 公共卫生学院,辽宁 大连 116044)
关键词:  中国式现代化  体医养融合  体育运动  医疗卫生  养老服务  可持续发展
Development Advantages, Practical Dilemmas and Relief Measures of Integration Mode of Sports, Medical Care and Elderly Carefrom the Perspective of Chinese Modernization
ZHANG Lu,YAN Yan,XU Wei,ZHANG Yuanyuan
(School of Management,Shenyang University of Technology,Shenyang 110870 ,China ;Editorial Department,Shenyang University of Technology,Shenyang 110870 ,China;School of Public Health, Dalian Medical University, Dalian 116044 , China)
With the aging of the global population, the integration of sports activities, medical care and nursing services is regarded as an effective means and an important way to meet the growing health and pension needs of the people, and has broad market prospects. By using the methods of literature, text analysis and comparative research, this paper combs the development process of the integration mode of sports, medical care and elderly care, puts forward the development advantages of the integration mode of sports, medical care and elderly care from the perspective of Chinese modernization, and points out that it still faces some practical difficulties in the development process, such as the disconnection between traditional cognitive concepts and modern demand expectations, the inconsistency between resource allocation efficiency and demand growth trend, and the conflict between diversification of interest demands and social responsibility. On this basis, a development path for the integration of the integration of sports activities, medical care and elderly care, technology, and policies is proposed, aiming to provide people with a higher level of living welfare while achieving high-quality economic and social development in China.
Key words:  Chinese modernization  the integration of sports  medical care and elderly care  sports activities  medical hygiene  elderly care services  sustainable development

