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(西南大学 体育学院,重庆 400715;北京体育大学 管理学院,北京 100084)
关键词:  后冬奥时代  河北省  冰雪产业  高质量发展  产品创新  科技创新  协同创新  体制创新
High-Quality Development of Ice and Snow Industry in Hebei Province in the Post-Winter Olympic Era: Opportunities, Challenges and Paths
KANG Lu,LIN Xianpeng
(College of Physical Education, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715 , China;School of Management, Beijing Sport University, Beijing 100084 , China)
The successful hosting of the Beijing Winter Olympics has left a series of rich Olympic legacy including material, culture and talents for the development of ice and snow sports and ice and snow industry in Hebei Province. The fruitful results of post-Olympic economic development, the increase of ice and snow consumption willingness, the rise of digital economy, regional coordinated development and the release of policy dividends provide a golden opportunity for the vigorous development of ice and snow industry in Hebei Province in the post-Winter Olympic era. However, the development of ice and snow industry in Hebei Province is also facing challenges such as how to ensure the high-quality supply of products and services, how to improve the scientific and technological innovation ability of ice and snow industry, how to solve the imbalance of ice and snow industry structure, and how to improve the system and mechanism of ice and snow industry development. In the future, the high-quality development of ice and snow industry in Hebei Province should focus on improving the quality of industrial supply and the level of industrial technology through product innovation, scientific and technological innovation, collaborative innovation and system innovation, breaking the imbalance of industrial structure and optimizing the industrial system guarantee.
Key words:  post-Winter Olympic era  Hebei Province  ice and snow industry  high quality development  product innovation  technological innovation  collaborative innovation  system innovation

