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(天津体育学院 体育经济与管理学院,天津 300211;天津体育学院 人事处,天津 300211;天津体育学院 体育教育学院,天津 300211)
关键词:  体育志愿服务  志愿服务精神  队伍建设  组织管理  政策体系  数字赋能
Research on the Development Connotation, Restriction Factors and Solutions Paths of Sports Volunteer Service in the New Era
HUANG Xiong,LIU Chunhua,WANG Bingbing,LI Huihui
(School of Sports Economics and Management, Tianjin University of Sport, Tianjin 300211 , China;Personnel Department, Tianjin University of Sport, Tianjin 300211 , China;School of Physical Education, Tianjin University of Sport, Tianjin 300211 , China)
Volunteer service is an important symbol of social civilization and progress. Clarifying the connotation of sports volunteer service in the new era and solving the difficulties, blockages and blind spots in its development are the inherent requirements for building a sports volunteer service system in the new era, establishing a scientific sports volunteer service system, and improving the ability of sports volunteer service. It is also the key to promoting the cultivation and development of new quality productivity in the new era. It is also an important symbol of promoting the construction of a socialist cultural power and a sports power. On the basis of combing the practical achievements of China’s sports volunteer service in the new era and digging into its development connotation, it is found that there are still some problems in China’s sports volunteer service, such as insufficient publicity, unbalanced talent team structure, incoordination in organization and management, and imperfect top-level design and legal guarantee. Put forward specific solutions to this, including taking the spirit as the banner and clarifying the subject positioning; strengthen team building with organization as the cornerstone; with the system as the guarantee, improve the policy system; supported by science and technology, promote digital empowerment.
Key words:  sports volunteer service  voluntary service spirit  team building  organizational management  policy system  digital empowerment

