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(湖北大学 体育学院,武汉 430062 ;清华大学 体育产业发展研究中心,北京 100084;华中师范大学 体育学院,武汉 430079)
关键词:  CBA联赛  高质量发展  规范化  国际经验  公司架构  市场主体意识  竞争机制
International Benchmarking and Path Selection of Standardized Development of CBA League from the Perspective of High-Quality Development
FU Qun,ZUO Guyue,HOU Xiang,CHU Yuan
(College of Physical Education, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062 , China ;Center for Development of Sports Industry, Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084 , China;School of Physical Education,Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079 , China)
The standardization of professional sports leagues reflects the development level of sports competition performance industry to a certain extent, and has practical significance for promoting the high-quality development of sports industry. By using the methods of literature, this paper diagnoses the practical problems of the standardized development of CBA league, and puts forward the path of the standardized development of CBA league on the basis of the international experience of the standardized development of professional sports league. It is believed that there are many development bottlenecks in the current CBA league, including: the construction of the organizational system is not perfect, and the friction between the parties is more frequent; government and enterprise management are not separated, and the main role of the market is not strong; the layout planning is unreasonable, and the league market promotion is limited. Through combing, it is found that the main practical experience of American professional sports leagues is the corporate operation structure with perfect system and upper and lower linkage, the market-oriented governance mechanism with separation of powers and multiple synergies, and the institutionalized system design with scientific system and competitive balance. Based on the experience of the United States and the reality of China, it is believed that the CBA league should scientifically construct the company structure and strengthen the construction of auxiliary organizations; clarify the relationship between the rights and responsibilities of all parties and enhance the awareness of market players; the system builds a competition mechanism and optimizes the order of sports operation.
Key words:  CBA league  high-quality development  standardization  international experience  company structure  market subject consciousness  competition mechanism

