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(福建师范大学 体育科学学院,福州 350117)
关键词:  体育用品制造业  数字经济  智能制造  转型升级  高质量发展
Intelligent Manufacturing: A Research on the Path of the Transformation and Upgrading of Sports Goods Manufacturing Industry
PAN Wei,LU Laibing,YANG Shaoxiong
(School of Physical Education and Sport Science, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350117 , China)
The comprehensive implementation of the “AI + Manufacturing” action plan is an important measure for the sporting goods manufacturing industry to foster and develop new quality productive forces and achieve high-quality development. Using the methods of literature, logical analysis and field investigation, based on the background of digital economy development, this paper explores the theoretical basis, logical motivation and practical dilemma of the transformation and upgrading of sporting goods manufacturing industry from “manufacturing” to “intelligent manufacturing”, and puts forward the corresponding promotion path. It is believed that sports intelligent manufacturing is the concrete embodiment of the implementation of the digital development strategy of the sports goods manufacturing industry. Driving the industrial transformation and upgrading with intelligent manufacturing technology and manufacturing mode will help it better adapt to the changes in the current domestic and international economic situation, break through the bottleneck of industrial development and promote the quality and capacity expansion of sports consumption. At the macro, meso and micro levels, the transformation and upgrading of intelligent manufacturing is faced with practical difficulties such as imperfect relevant policy measures, high cost of industrial transformation and insufficient utilization of enterprise innovation elements. Based on this, it is proposed to strengthen top-level design and collaborative governance, accelerate industrial integration and format innovation, and increase factor input and product development.
Key words:  sports goods manufacturing industry  digital economy  intelligent manufacturing  transformation and upgrading  high-quality development

