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(四川大学体育学院,成都 610065)
关键词:  体育企业  创新绩效  组态效应  QCA  NCA
基金项目:四川省哲学社会科学基金一般项目 “成渝地区双城经济圈背景下四川体育产业集聚创新驱动发展研究”(SCJJ23ND348)
Identification of Influencing Factors of Innovation Performance of Sports Enterprises from the Perspective of Configuration ———A Case Study of Chinese Listed Companies
CHEN Zongke,HAN Song
(Physical Education College, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065 , China)
Improving innovation performance is the key for China’s sports enterprises to achieve quali ty and efficiency improvement and obtain core competitiveness in the new development stage. Based on the theory of industrial innovation system, using the necessary condition analysis and qualitative comparative analysis method, taking 35 listed sports enterprises in China as a case, this paper exam ines the influencing factors of innovation performance of sports enterprises. It is found that there is no single necessary condition for the improvement of innovation performance of sports enterprises, but a reasonable tax burden plays a more universal role in generating high innovation performance of sports enterprises; the innovation performance of high sports enterprises has three types of conditional con figurations, including innovation-driven autonomy, innovation-driven market and innovation-driven support; the characteristics of innovation performance of non-high sports enterprises are that enterpri ses ignore the intensity and output level of R&D investment and lack of government subsidies. It is suggested to stimulate the vitality of digital technology innovation of sports enterprises, steadily in crease the labor income of sports enterprises, actively promote the construction of innovation network of sports enterprises, and optimize the business environment for the innovation and development of sports enterprises.
Key words:  sports enterprise  innovation performance  configuration effect  QCA  NCA

