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(湖南师范大学体育学院,长沙 410081;上海体育大学经济管理学院,上海 200438)
埃利亚斯在 《文明的进程》中指出文明的秩序建立在自在的秩序之上,可知体育文明的进程也存在着一种客观的自在秩序,文明意识对体育文明的进程有正向促进作用。在游戏学视域中,原始体育形式直接影响人的认知革命,体育及其原始形态为每一场文明变革提供了不同程度的能量,体育文明的进程以一种 “亚文明”的形式呈现了人类文明的进程轨迹。这启示我们:新的体育史书写可以文明为视角,考量体育及其原始形态在不同文明的发生过程中起到的革命性作用,以及不同体育形态所表现出来的文明性;绘制中华体育文明的谱系,立足中华文明所创造的人类文明新形态,揭示体育如何在其中创造社会意义,构建起文明的秩序。
关键词:  《文明的进程》  体育文明的进程  体育形态  体育文明谱系  体育史
基金项目:国家社会科学基金项目 (19BTY116)
A Glimpse of the Process of Sports Civilization from the Civilizing Process
YANG Zhuangzhuang,SUN Wenbo
(College of Physical Education, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081 , China;School of Economics and Management, Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai 200438 , China)
Elias pointed out in the Civilizing Process that the order of civilization is based on the order of freedom. It can be seen that there is also an objective order of freedom in the process of sports civilization, and the consciousness of civilization has a positive effect on the process of sports civilization. In the perspective of game theory, the original form of sports directly affects people’s cognitive revo lution. Sports and its original form provide different degrees of energy for each civilization change. The process of sports civilization presents the process track of human civilization in the form of “sub civilization”. This enlightens us that the new writing of sports history can consider the revolutionary role of sports and its original form in the process of different civilizations from the perspective of civili zation, as well as the civilization shown by different sports forms; draw the pedigree of Chinese sports civilization, based on the new form of human civilization created by Chinese civilization, reveal how sports create social significance and build a civilized order.
Key words:  the Civilizing Process   the process of sports civilization  sports form  sports civilization pedigree  history of sports

