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(盐城师范学院 体育学院,江苏 盐城 224002 ;湖北休闲体育发展研究中心 武汉 430062;江汉大学 体育学院,武汉 430056)
关键词:  5G  AI  体育产业  业态创新  发展战略
Research on the Innovation of Sports Industry in the Era of “5G + AI”
LU Zhiqin,DAI Jun,HE Ziying
(School of Physical Education, Yancheng Teachers University, Yancheng 224002 , China ;Hubei Research Center for Development of Leisure Sports, Wuhan 430062 , China;School of Physical Education, Jianghan University, Wuhan 430056 , China)
Business innovation is a key breakthrough for the sports industry to seek transformation and development in the “5G + AI” era. The “5G + AI” technology promotes the innovation of sports industry mainly in five fields, including driving the innovation of sports fitness and leisure industry through precise service and circle reconstruction, driving the innovation of sports goods manufacturing industry through sensor application and resource cloud, driving the innovation of sports competition performance industry through the integration of product platform and video production and broadcasting service, driving the innovation of sports education and training industry through algorithm customization and scene marketing, and driving the innovation of sports venue service industry through the construction of dimension-up space and custom site. In order to meet the needs of the development of the “5G + AI” era, it is urgent to formulate a macro strategy for the innovation of the sports industry format, including the innovation strategy of the sports fitness and leisure industry system, the classification transition strategy of the sports goods manufacturing industry, the intelligent production strategy of the sports competition performance industry, the intelligent operation strategy of the physical education and training industry, and the precise sales strategy of the sports venue service industry.
Key words:  5G  AI  sports industry  business innovation  development strategy

