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(上海体育大学 新闻与传播学院,上海 200438)
关键词:  “一带一路”  体育地理学  现代体育  生态文明  贸易空间
Sports Geography Interpretation of the Belt and Road Initiative
LU Yunting
(School of Journalism and Communication, Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai 200438 , China)
The “Belt and Road” includes two systems: the Land Silk Road and the Maritime Silk Road, and its academic significance points to geography. The geographical concept of the ancient Silk Road is embodied in people’s perception, detection and consideration of geographical orientation, and its external significance lies in the level of walking around, travel, transportation and migration. It is similar to the application, holding and display process of the Olympic Games, the football World Cup and other major sports events. It is full of elements such as communication, dissemination, migration and multi-competitive spirit. From the perspective of sports geography, the Belt and Road Initiative can better understand its historical significance and value. Overseas trade has always been of an adventurous nature, and the Belt and Road is no exception, and it integrates the demands of optimizing the ecological environment. Sport originates from nature and is closely related to geographical elements such as topography, geomorphology and hydrology, which constructs the modern sports significance of the Belt and Road. Under the impetus of adventure psychology, sports and trade can be truly integrated. The core significance of sports lies in the science of body, the middle level significance lies in the science of management, and the high level significance lies in the science of culture, while the sports elements in the Belt and Road also point to geographical space.
Key words:  Belt and Road  sports geography  modern sports  ecological civilization  trade space

