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(武汉职业技术学院 体育美育工作部,武汉 430074)
关键词:  学生健康素养  健康教育  体育教育  体育与健康课程
Research on the Path of Physical Education to Promote the  Generation of Students’ Health Literacy in the New Era
WU Xiangning
(Department of Physical Education, Wuhan Polytechnic, Wuhan 430074 , China)
Under the background of building a healthy China strategy, the health literacy and health education of young students have attracted much attention from the society. However, the cultivation of students’ health literacy in China is still not satisfactory. The main manifestations are as follows: health education has not really been integrated into physical education and health teaching; health literacy has not been fully integrated into the cultivation of core literacy of disciplines; the guidance of physical education and health courses on health education are insufficient. Physical education and health are inseparable. Physical education naturally contains the content of health literacy. School physical education adheres to the guiding ideology of “health first”. The role of “physical education teacher” has changed to the role of “physical education and health teacher”. These are the unique advantages of physical education in cultivating students’ health literacy. In the future, physical education should pay attention to the implicitness and pertinence of students’ health literacy training, and carry out physical education reform in line with the requirements of the new era. Physical education teachers should strive to improve their own health literacy and teaching ability, and physical health test should be effectively combined with health literacy improvement.
Key words:  health literacy of students  health education  physical education  P.E. and health courses

