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(南京财经大学 体育部,南京 210023;齐鲁师范学院 体育学院,济南 250200)
关键词:  近代体育  现代化进程  国家  社会
Research on the Modernization Process of Modern Chinese Sports
ZHAO Feng,ZHANG Yu,FU Shuang,MEI Maorong
(Ministry of Sports, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing 210023 , China;College of Physical Education, Qilu Normal University, Jinan 250200 , China)
By using the methods of literature and historical analysis, based on the analysis framework of “state and society”, this paper analyzes the development process of modern Chinese sports. The development characteristics of school sports, competitive sports and mass sports in the process of modernization in modern China were investigated by using the “trichotomy” sports division method. It is believed that the development of modern Chinese sports is mainly due to the constructive power of the state, especially in the development of school sports, which is an appropriate change made by the Qing government in view of the social reality at that time. The main content of school physical education is military gymnastics, which is the concrete embodiment of the government’s political purpose in the practice of school physical education. In turbulent times, social power rises, but its claims and actions also need state support. The development of competitive sports and mass sports is greatly influenced by school sports. Due to the common aspirations in the maintenance of national honor and the preservation of powerful countries, there is consistency between the state and society in promoting the development of sports.
Key words:  modern sports  modernization process  country  society

