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(河北体育学院,石家庄 050041;河北师范大学 纪委,石家庄 050024)
关键词:  后冬奥  河北省  冰雪运动  数字化融合  推广  人工智能
Promotion Strategy and Implementation Path of Digital Integration of Ice and Snow Sports in Hebei Province in the Post-Winter Olympic Period
CHENG Fu,WANG Yuebao,ZHAO Zhigang,DUAN Shaolou
(Hebei Sport University,Shijiazhuang 050041 ,China;Discipline Inspection Commission Office, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang 050024 , China)
In the post-Winter Olympics era, digital integration promotion methods will play a more important role in promoting the sustainable and healthy development of the ice and snow sports industry. Digital integration promotion has multi-dimensional values such as broadening participation boundaries, enriching cultural connotations, improving user experience, and optimizing resource allocation. In order to meet the needs of the development of ice and snow sports, a digital integration and promotion system based on data intelligence, content enrichment, experience immersion and cooperation network is constructed. Among those strategies, the algorithm promotion strategy based on big data and artificial intelligence technology should carry out data-driven personalized precision marketing and build a comprehensive data monitoring and feedback mechanism; the content promotion strategy based on multi-platform channels should be based on the sub-platform communication with specialized functions, take the complementary linkage communication as the core, and focus on the connotative communication of culture. The experiential promotion strategy based on extended reality technology and the cooperative promotion strategy based on ice and snow resource network are expounded respectively. Finally, in order to ensure the effective implementation of the strategy, it is necessary to improve laws and regulations and policies, strengthen the function of market resource allocation, build a multi-social support network, and strengthen the construction of professional talents.
Key words:  post-Winter Olympics  Hebei Province  ice and snow sports  digital integration  promotion  artificial intelligence

