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(中央财经大学 法学院,北京 100081)
关键词:  体育内部纠纷  司法权的界限  契约论  “部分社会”理论  体育自治
Research on the Boundary of Judicial Power Intervening in Sports Internal Disputes ——Centered on Partial Society Theory
WANG Liyuan
(Central University of Finance and Economics, School of Law,Beijing 100081 , China)
Due to the vague understanding of the boundary of judicial power involved in sports internal disputes in legislation and judicature in China,there are obstacles for the parties involved in sports internal disputes to seek judicial relief, so it is necessary to explain it from the theoretical level. As the source of sports autonomy, contract theory has defects in explaining the boundary of judicial power intervening in sports internal disputes. Japan’s “partial society” theory has reference significance for China to demonstrate the relationship between judicial power and sports autonomy. Through the analysis of relevant cases in Japan, the second trial mode of judicial review of internal disputes in sports is obtained, focusing on whether the internal disputes in sports have a significant impact on the general civil law rights of the parties. Based on the requirements of contract theory and “partial society” theory, this paper constructs a theoretical framework suitable for China’s judicial status to judge whether judicial power needs to intervene in the settlement of sports internal disputes. The judicial organs should first judge whether the sports internal disputes have legal significance, and then examine whether the group autonomy behavior exceeds the scope of members “implied consent”.
Key words:  sports internal disputes  boundary of judicial power  contract theory  “partial society” theory  sports autonomy

