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(西华师范大学 马克思主义学院,四川 南充 637009)
在北京冬奥会、冬残奥会申办、筹办、举办的过程中,广大参与者珍惜伟大时代赋予的机遇,共同创造了胸怀大局、自信开放、迎难而上、追求卓越、共创未来的北京冬奥精神。北京冬奥精神是激发中华民族永续奋斗、迈向新征程的精神财富,更是新时代大学生思想政治教育的宝贵资源, 在厚植大学生爱国情怀,夯实大学生体育强国梦和促进大学生全面发展等方面具有重要的价值和意义。因此,要将北京冬奥精神融入大学生思想政治理论教育阵地,融入大学生思想政治实践教育营地,融入大学生思想政治文化育人体系,融入大学生思想政治网络教育课堂。
关键词:  北京冬奥精神  大学生  思想政治教育  价值  路径
基金项目:中国高等教育学会教师教育分会重点课题 “新时代高校思想政治理论课青年教师成长机制研究”(20ZSJSJYZD04)
The Value Theme and Realization Path of Integrating the Spirit of Beijing Winter Olympics into the Ideological and Political Education of College Students
MA Wentao
(School of Marxism,China West Normal University,Nanchong 637009 ,China)
In the process of bidding,organizing and holding the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics,the participants cherish the opportunity given by the great era,and jointly create the Spirit of Beijing Winter Olympics with a broad mind,self-confidence and openness,facing difficulties,pursuing excellence and creating a future together.The spirit of Beijing Winter Olympics is the spiritual wealth that inspires the Chinese nation to strive continuously and march toward a new journey,and it is also the precious resource for the ideological and political education of college students in the new era.It is of great value and significance in cultivating college students' patriotism,consolidating college students' dream of sports power and promoting the all-round development of college students.Therefore,it is necessary to integrate the spirit of Beijing Winter Olympics into the ideological and political theory education of college students,into the ideological and political practice education camp of college students,into the education system of ideological and political cultural,and into the ideological and political network education classroom of college students.
Key words:  spirit of Beijing Winter Olympics  college students  ideological and political education  value  path

