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(湖南师范大学 体育学院,长沙 410012;湖南城市学院 体育学院,湖南 益阳 413000)
随着教育惩戒问题不断引起学界与社会的关注,学校体育中身体活动的 “育”与 “罚”的边界问题,也逐渐引起学界审思。从学校体育教育的本质出发,认为学校体育教育的身体教育特殊性、 体育惩戒政策法规建设不完善、学校治理体系与治理能力滞后、学校体育教师师德素养欠缺造成了 “育”与 “罚”的认知误区。是否以立德树人为根本目的,是否以法律法规为基本遵循,是否以必要情形为实施依据,是否以适配适度为实施尺度,是否以 “因材施戒”为惩戒原则,是否以一视同仁为前提条件,是评价学校体育身体活动 “育”与 “罚”的标准。在提炼 “育”与 “罚”的表征的基础上,提出科学实施体育惩戒的策略:充分认识体育教育的特殊性,科学制定体育惩戒实施细则,全面提升学校体育治理水平,着力提升体育教师师德素养。旨在发挥体育惩戒的最大教育功能。
关键词:  学校体育  身体活动  体育惩戒  体育教育  学校体育治理  师德素养
基金项目:湖南省教育科学 “十四五”规划重点项目 (XJK23AJD056)
“Education" and "Punishment" of Physical Activities in School Physical Education: Misunderstanding, Boundary and Division
GAN Yuqing,LIU Ru,ZHANG Jisheng
(College of Physical Education,Hunan Normal University,Changsha 410012 ,China;College of Physical Education,Hunan City University,Yiyang 413000 ,China)
With the problem of educational punishment constantly attracting the attention of academia and society,the boundary between "education" and "punishment" of physical activity in school physical education has gradually attracted the attention of academia.Starting from the essence of school physical education,it is considered that the cognitive misunderstanding of "education" and "punishment" is caused by the particularity of physical education,the imperfect construction of sports punishment policies and regulations,the lag of school governance system and governance ability,and the lack of moral literacy of school physical education teachers.Whether to establish morality and cultivate people as the fundamental purpose,whether to follow the laws and regulations as the basic,whether to take the necessary situation as the basis,whether to adapt to the appropriate degree as the implementation yardstick,whether to take "discipline in accordance with their aptitude" as the principle of punishment,whether to treat people equally as the prerequisite is the standard to evaluate the "education" and "punishment" of physical activities in school sports.On the basis of refining the characteristics of "education" and "punishment",this paper puts forward the strategies of scientific implementation of sports punishment.We should fully understand the particularity of physical education,scientifically formulate detailed rules for the implementation of physical education,comprehensively improve the level of school physical education governance,and make efforts to improve the moral quality of PE teachers.The aim is to give full play to the maximum educational function of sports punishment.
Key words:  school physical education  physical activity  physical punishment  physical education  school physical education governance  moral quality

