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(滁州职业技术学院,安徽 滁州 239000)
关键词:  职业化改革  苏宁足球  “猝死”  金元足球  百年品牌  投资结构  足球文化
Thoughts on Professional Reform of Chinese Football——And on the Enlightenment of “Sudden Death” of Suning Football
WANG Dianhai
(Chuzhou Polytechnic, Chuzhou 239000 , China)
The professional reform of Chinese football has been through 30 years. Disordered national games and defeats in international games have always put Chinese football in a predicament of internal and external troubles. Therefore, it is necessary to sort out and summarize the courseand results of Chinese football reform, and think about the problems and way out.The “sudden death” of Jiangsu Suning Football Club ’s championship title in 2021 fully demonstrates the current deteriorating ecological environment of Chinese football, shows the various historical disadvantages of Chinese football, and demonstrates that the separation from national conditions and the law of football will only make the gap between Chinese football and the world bigger.The analysis found that the development of Chinese football is faced with problems such as improper policies formulated by the Football Association, the development concept of seeking quick success and instant benefits, the negative effectof Gold dollar football, and the lack of local football culture.It is suggested to implement the behavior responsibility system, promote the self-good governance of the CFA, accurately locate, scientifically set goals, scientifically plan the “century-old brand plan”of Chinese football, have an objective understanding of Gold dollar football, optimize the investment structure of the club, clarify the attributes of Chinese football stage, and form the local characteristic of football culture.It aims to help the reform and development of Chinese football.
Key words:  professional reform  Suning football  sudden death  Gold dollar football  century-old brand  investment structure  football culture

