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体育消费对夜间经济增长贡献的测算: 2013—2018年
(四川大学 体育学院,成都610065)
当前我国夜间经济热潮方兴未艾,在新的体育产业增长点形成中彰显时代意蕴。运用文献资料和经济计量分析方法,以2013—2018年NPP/VIIRS夜间灯光数据和全国31个省级面板数据为样本,建立静态面板回归模型测算体育消费对夜间经济增长的贡献率并提出促进夜间体育消费的对策。研究表明,2013—2018年我国体育消费对夜间经济增长的直接贡献系数达到0244 304,并且可以通过产业结构升级的传导机制提高贡献率至0257 761%,虽然东部地区体育消费对夜间经济的宏观拉动效应突出,但中西部及东北地区体育消费对夜间经济增长的贡献率偏低,加之区域体育消费及体育产业升级影响夜间经济增长的约束条件不同,未来应重视地方夜间经济发展的包容性和夜间体育消费的区域性差异;建议合理规划夜间体育照明,完善夜间公共体育服务;加强夜间经济制度设计,释放夜间体育消费潜力;营造夜间体育消费场景,推动夜间经济业态升级;把准区域体育特色定位,促进夜间经济联动发展。
关键词:  体育消费  夜间经济  夜间灯光  夜间体育  贡献率
基金项目:2019年度教育人文社会科学研究一般项目(19YJC890014); 四川大学中央高校基本科研业务费项目(2021自研—体育005)
Measurement of Contributions of Sports Consumption to Night Economy Growth: 2013—2018
HAN Song
(Sports College, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China)
At present, the upsurge of night economy in our country is in the ascendant, which highlights the significance of the times in the formation of new growth points of sports industry. Using the methods of literature review and econometric analysis, taking the NPP/VIIRS night lighting data and 31 provincial panel data from 2013 to 2018 as samples, this paper establishes a static panel regression model to calculate the contribution rate of sports consumption to night economy growth, and puts forward some countermeasures to promote night sports consumption. The research shows that the direct contribution coefficient of China’s sports consumption to night economy growth from 2013 to 2018 reaches 0244 304, and the contribution rate can be increased to 0257 761% through the transmission mechanism of industrial structure upgrading. Although the macro pulling effect of sports consumption on night economy in the eastern region is prominent, the contribution rate of sports consumption to night economy growth in the central and western regions and northeast regions is low. In addition, the constraints of regional sports consumption and sports industry upgrading on night economy growth are different. In the future, we should pay attention to the inclusiveness of local night economy development and regional differences of night sports consumption. It is suggested that night sports lighting should be reasonably planned to improve night public sports services and night economy system design should be strengthened to release the potentiality of night sports consumption. Moreover, night sports consumption scenes should be created to promote the upgrading of night economy, and quasiregional sports characteristics should be positioned to promote the linkage development of night economy.
Key words:  sports consumption  night economy  night lighting  night sports  contribution rate

