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(宁夏师范学院 体育学院,宁夏 固原756000)
关键词:  体能教练  职业认证  美国  英国  澳大利亚  机构  考核  继续教育
基金项目:宁夏师范学院2020年高层次人才引进项目“我国师范类院校体育学科建设现状和对策研究”; 2019年北京高等教育本科教学改革创新项目“我国体能训练专业认证标准研究”
Experience and Enlightenment of Professional Certification of Physical Fitness Coaches in the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia
ZHAO Haibo
(School of Physical Education, Ningxia Normal University, Guyuan 756000, China)
By using the methods of literature review and comparative analysis, this paper introduces and analyzes professional certifications of institutions, application qualifications, assessment contents and continuing education of physical fitness coaches in the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia in order to provide theoretical reference for the construction of professional standards of physical fitness coaches in China.It is pointed out the following aspects.First, the certification of physical fitness coaches in the three countries is in the charge of the National Physical Fitness Association, which guarantees the authority.Second, it pays attention to the professional background of applicants reflecting the characteristics of high education background. Third, the mode of “theory and practice” is used in the content and method of the assessment, which highlights practicality. At last, “credit system” is adopted in continuing education with strict requirements paying attention to the sustainable development of certified coaches.It is believed that China should establish professional certification institutions to ensure the authority of certification and establish interdisciplinary expert team to improve the quality of certification standards.We should also pay attention to the practical assessment of certification to improve the practicability of certification, implement the hierarchical certification system to clarify the responsibilities of physical fitness coaches and create a continuing education system to ensure sustainable development.
Key words:  fitness coach  professional certification  the United States  the United Kingdom  Australia  institution  assessment  continuing education

