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关键词:  男子乒乓球  前三板  技战术转化结构  战术区域
基金项目:河南省教育科学“十三五”规划课题“高校小球(乒、羽、网)选项课教学范式改革研究”(2019 JKGHYB 0085);河南财经政法大学2019年校级教育教学改革研究与实践项目“乒乓球专项课四段指标教学模式的建构与实践应用研究”(2019 19)
Research on the Structure and Region of Technical and Tactical Transformation of Elite Male Table Tennis Players in the First Three Boards
LIU Yongli
(Beijing Vocational Transportation College, Beijing 100096, China)
The existing studies on table tennis techniques and tactics are more about the analysis of single tactical indexes than the tactical combination structure and the regional integration of placement in the tactical system, which separates the integrity of the technical and tactical system. From the perspective of placement, this paper studies the technical and tactical transformation structure and placement of the first three strokes of Chinese elite male players by the methods of literature, video observation and mathematical statistics. The aim is to reveal the general law of the technical and tactical transformation structure. The results show that in the first three strokes, the structure of controlattack transformation is the main one, and the structure of controlcontrol transformation is the auxiliary one. The effect of controlattack transformation is the best from the point of view of scoring rate. The controlattack transformation mainly focuses on the convergence of the attack of the third stroke in the middle and half from the table after controlling the opponent’s net zone. Controlcontrol transformation mainly focuses on the middle area of the net zone.
Key words:  men’s table tennis  the first three strokes  technical and tactical transformation structure  tactical area

