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(上海财经大学 法学院,上海200433)
关键词:  体育赛事  盗播行为  信号  画面  类型化
The Classification and Dual Legal Regulation of Illegal Broadcasting of Sports Events
BAI Ruicheng
(School of Law,Shanghai University of Finance and Economics,Shanghai 200433,China)
The confusion of the judgment results of the cases of illegal broadcasting of sports events stems from the absence of relevant laws and regulations and the neglect of the facts of the cases by the court. There are differences in the structure of basic facts in different cases, so we should reasonably determine the mode of regulating illegal broadcasting according to different cases. According to the content of the broadcast right, the period of infringement and the degree of damage, the behavior of illegal broadcast can be divided into stealing live broadcast, delaying broadcast and stealing recording and broadcasting on demand. Based on different types of interests infringed by different illegal broadcasting acts, the dual legal regulation mode is set up. The former can be regulated by applying the general provisions of Tort Liability Law and unjust enrichment system to avoid the escape from the general provisions of the Anti Unfair Competition Law. The latter can be regulated by Copyright Law. The court should affirm the originality of the game picture as much as possible, so as to show the judicial attitude of supporting the event broadcasting industry.
Key words:  sports events  illegal broadcast behavior  signal  picture  type

