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新时代媒介体育消费研究报告 ——以2019年女足世界杯中国消费者为例
关键词:  女足世界杯  媒介体育  体育赛事  消费行为  消费动机  影响因素
Research Report on Media Sports Consumption in the New Era——Taking Chinese Consumers of 2019 France FIFA Women’s World Cup as an Example
GUO Qing
(Chengdu Sport University, Chengdu 610041, China)
This paper discusses the consumption behavior of media consumers in Women’s World Cup and the factors that may affect media consumption taking 2019 France FIFA Women’s World Cup as an example.It is found out by survey that digital media is the main consumption channel and the length of media consumption from large to small is digital media, television and social media.In addition, the media consumption scene of 2019 France FIFA Women’s World Cup is diversified,the consumption motivation is mainly based on the event itself and has nothing to do with age and gender.This paper analyzes the influencing factors of three types of media consumption and obtains the corresponding standardized solutions.It is considered that Chinese media sports consumers show a typical tendency to use new media, highlevel sports events are the main motivation to determine media sports consumption, social structural factors have greater influence on media sports consumption than individual factors, and the extreme patriotic tendency in largescale sports events may increase the risk of public opinion.It is proposed that we should pay attention to the supply of digital media and social media content to seek more extensive user access and develop social media promotion strategies according to the different identity attributes of fans to enhance the stickiness of fans and expand the communication power of the game. Besides, we ought to increase innovation, improve the consumption experience of digital media, enhance the participation of users, pay attention to social structural factors and make adaptive adjustment to achieve the goal of completing their own social integration, emotional catharsis and other functions.
Key words:  FIFA Women’s World Cup  media sports  sports events  consumer behavior  consumer motivation  influencing factors

