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2017年全运会女子20 km竞走前8名运动员冲刺技术的比较研究
(1.安庆医药高等专科学校,安徽 安庆246052;2.北京体育大学,北京100084)
目的:提高我国女子竞走运动员的整体技术水平,更好备战东京奥运会。方法:采用运动生物力学测量法和数理统计法,对2017年全运会女子20 km竞走前8名高水平运动员的技术进行比较研究。结论:①8名运动员头顶点起伏距离合理,步幅开阔;着地技术规范,垂直支撑有“反弓”特征;着地角和蹬地角适宜,着地角大于蹬地角。②技术缺陷为:左右腿单步时间、步长、各技术阶段时间百分比存在差异,左右单步的两大腿最大夹角差异大;重心位移速度偏慢,冲刺能力弱;踝关节的蹬伸幅度小。建议:在训练中,要重视左右腿力量的均衡发展,优化动作结构,提高技术规范性;加强髋关节和踝关节的力量、柔韧性、灵活性练习;在控制步频的基础上,适当加大步长,使步长与步频达到最佳组合,提高重心移动速度,增强冲刺能力。
关键词:  女子20 km竞走  全运会  冲刺技术  比较研究
基金项目:中国田径协会科技服务工作项目“田径竞走项目国家队备战东京奥运会(2020年度)科技攻关与科技服务”(2020TJ02012);国家体育总局科技攻关与科技服务项目“竞走项目国家队备战里约奥运2016 技战术监控科技服务”(2016HT082)
A Comparative Study on Sprint Techniques of the Top Eight Athletes of Women’s 20 km Race Walking in 2017 National Games
GUO Zhangjie
(1.Anqing Medical College, Anqing 246052, China; 2.Beijing Sport University, Beijing 100084, China)
Objective: To improve the overall technical level of Chinese women race walkers and be better prepared for the Tokyo Olympic Games.Methods: By using the methods of sports biomechanics measurement and mathematical statistics, this paper makes a comparative study on the techniques of the top eight athletes of women’s 20 km race walking in 2017 National Games. Conclusion: ①The results showed that the undulating distance of head vertex of the eight athletes was reasonable and the stride was wide; the landing technique was standard, and the vertical support had the characteristics of “reverse bow”; the landing angle and pedal angle were suitable, and the landing angle was larger than the pedal angle. ②The technical defects are as follows: There are differences in the time, step length and time percentage of each technical stage between the left and right legs. The maximum angle between the left and right legs is large; the center of gravity displacement speed is slow and the sprint ability is weak; the ankle joint pedal extension range is small. Suggestions:In training, firstly, we should pay attention to the balanced development of left and right leg strength, optimize the movement structure and improve the technical standardization. Secondly, strengthen the strength, flexibility and flexibility of hip joint and ankle joint. Thirdly, appropriately increase the step size on the basis of controlling the step frequency so as to achieve the best combination of step length and step frequency, improve the center of gravity to speed and enhance the ability of sprint.
Key words:  women’s 20 km race walking  National Games  sprint techniques  comparative study

