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关键词:  电子竞技  赛事运作  SWOT分析  政策制度  投资环境  人才培养
Research on the Operational Development of E Sports in China
CUI Jiaqi
(Northeast Normal University)
By methods of literature and logical analysis, this paper makes an SWOT analysis on the operational development of China’s esports events. It is believed that esport has its own uniqueness of experiencing sport, image improvement and gradual organizational development, which are the advantages of its competition operation. However, the relevant policy system and guarantee system are not perfect, and its dual effects on athletes’ physiology and psychology still restrict its considerable development. At present, esports should seize the rare opportunities of increasing social attention and support, good sports market environment and strong support from information technology, and actively deal with the problems of insufficient brand competition construction and irregularity of clubs and event operation. It is proposed that the policy system and guarantee system should be improved to create a good investment environment; toplevel design should be done well and talent training should be strengthened to foster a winwin industrial ecosystem; the operational capacity of the event organization should be improved to construct the brand of the event and domestic esports products should be developed to enhance its influence in esports worldwide.
Key words:  e sports  competition operation  SWOT analysis  policy system  investment environment  talent training

