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(陕西师范大学 体育学院)
关键词:  天人感应  身心一元  金代体育  中国古代身体观  身教融通  身道互融  身国一体
Research on Body Philosophy of Sports in Jin Dynasty
ZHENG Chuanfeng
(School of Physical Education, Shaanxi Normal University)
The ancient Chinese body philosophy is a philosophy that emphasizes body and adheres to the unity of mind and body. Compared with the body view of meditation, it pays more attention to the importance of body. The body view embodied in the Jin Dynasty sports is in line with the ancient Chinese body concept. This article uses literature method to study the body philosophy of sports in Jin Dynasty, and the results show that: phenomenalism, integrity and practicalness are the main characteristics of ancient Chinese body philosophy; body philosophy of Jin Dynasty sports mainly includes combination of body and education, mutual integration of body and Dao and integration of body and nation. These three aspects correspond to the three main characteristics of ancient Chinese body philosophy. The body philosophy of sports in Jin Dynasty has an important connection with the nation fate of the Jin Dynasty. Key words: phenomenalism; unity of mind and body; sports in Jin Dynasty; ancient Chinese body view; combination of body and education; mutual integration of body and Dao; integration of body and nationThe ancient Chinese body philosophy is a philosophy that emphasizes body and adheres to the unity of mind and body. Compared with the body view of meditation, it pays more attention to the importance of body. The body view embodied in the Jin Dynasty sports is in line with the ancient Chinese body concept. This article uses literature method to study the body philosophy of sports in Jin Dynasty, and the results show that: phenomenalism, integrity and practicalness are the main characteristics of ancient Chinese body philosophy; body philosophy of Jin Dynasty sports mainly includes combination of body and education, mutual integration of body and Dao and integration of body and nation. These three aspects correspond to the three main characteristics of ancient Chinese body philosophy. The body philosophy of sports in Jin Dynasty has an important connection with the nation fate of the Jin Dynasty.
Key words:  phenomenalism  unity of mind and body  sports in Jin Dynasty  ancient Chinese body view  combination of body and education  mutual integration of body and Dao  integration of body and nation

