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(山西师范大学 体育学院)
目的:探讨不同体力活动对呼吸机能的影响,为确定能有效提高呼吸机能水平的体力活动量提供参考依据。方法:以50名不同体力活动水平50-59岁女性为研究对象,根据国际体力活动问卷将其分为低、中、高体力活动组,并进行逐级递增负荷运动,记录各级负荷的摄氧量(VO2)、二氧化碳输出量(VCO2)、潮气量(VT)、通气量(VE)及呼吸商(RQ)。结果:安静状态高体力活动组和低体力活动组摄氧量、二氧化碳输出量、潮气量、通气量和呼吸商均存在显著性差异;递增负荷运动过程中,高体力活动组和低体力活动组呼吸机能各指标也存在显著性差异;低体力活动组与中等体力活动组呼吸机能各指标不存在显著性差异。结论:不同体力活动对呼吸机能有影响且体力活动量必须≥3 000 METminutes/week才能有效提高和维持呼吸机能水平。
关键词:  不同体力活动水平  递增负荷  呼吸机能
A Comparative Study on Respiratory Function in Incremental Exercise of Female Aging from Fifty to Fifty nine with Different Levels of Physical Activity
ZHANG ZhaoHua
(School of Physical Education, Shanxi Normal University)
Objective: To investigate the effects of different physical activity on respiratory function, and provide a reference for determining the amount of physical activity which can improve respiratory function level. Methods: this study takes fifty women with different levels of physical activity aging from 50 to 59 as research object. According to the International Physical Activity Questionnaire they are divided into low, medium and high physical activity groups, and then incremental load exercises are carried out, all levels of VO2, VCO2, VT, VE and RQ are recorded. Results: in quiet state, between high and low physical activity groups, there are significant differences in VO2, VCO2, VT, VE and RQ, while in incremental load exercises, between high and low physical activity groups, each indicator of respiratory function also shows a significant difference. Between low and medium physical activity groups, each indicator of respiratory function does not show a significant difference. Conclusion: Respiratory function is impacted by different levels of physical activity and only when the amount of physical activity is ≥3 000 METminutes/week, can the level of respiratory function be effectively improved and maintained.
Key words:  different levels of physical activity  incremental load  respiratory function

