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(广东金融学院 体育教研部,广州 510521 ;华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广州 510631)
关键词:  新发展格局  农村体育  现代化治理  一核多元
Theory, Dilemma and Path of the Modernization of Rural Sports Governance in China under the New Development Pattern
PU Biwen
(Department of Physical Education,Guangdong University of Finance,Guangzhou 510521 , China ;School of Physical Education and Sports Science,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510631 , China)
The governance of rural sports is a critical component of rural modernization and a key link to the revitalization of rural areas. Based on the synergy theory, this paper constructs the theoretical framework of rural sports modernization governance, reviews the development process of rural sports governance in China, analyzes the current difficulties, and finds that there are some problems, such as unclear rights and responsibilities of governance subjects, defects in governance system, imbalance of governance organization structure, insufficient release of governance efficiency, and absence of governance supervision and evaluation. In this regard, it is proposed to build a communication platform to realize the interaction of the main body; strengthen the construction of governance system and realize governance according to law and regulations; improve the governance organization structure and achieve overall collaborative governance; enrich the means of governance to improve the efficiency of governance; improve the supervision and evaluation system to achieve precise governance. It aims to improve the modernization level of rural sports governance in China and help the high-quality development of rural sports work.
Key words:  new development pattern  rural sports  modernized governance  one core with diversity

