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(广西师范大学体育与健康学院,广西桂林 541006)
基于现有群众体育公共财政支出绩效评价研究,采用三阶段DEA-Malmquist指数模型,探究2013—2021年我国31个省份群众体育公共财政支出的静态和动态效率。结果表明,环境因素对我国群众体育公共财政支出效率存在较大影响;剔除环境因素和随机扰动后,我国群众体育公共财政支出的综合效率有所提升,但仍受到规模效率的制约,存在一定的提升空间;地区间呈现出 “东部>中部>西部”的异质性特征,各省份之间的综合效率差距较大;从Malmquist指数及其分解的动态变化来看,全要素生产率指数得到了优化,其中技术进步发挥了主要的促进作用。基于此,提出要加强资源统筹管理,打造多元协同主体,完善转移支付制度,提高预算信息化水平。
关键词:  群众体育  公共财政支出  效率  三阶段DEA-Malmquist指数模型
基金项目:国家社会科学基金项目 (21BTY015);广西研究生教育创新计划项目 (XYCBZ2024015)
Measurement and Evaluation of Public Finance Expenditure Efficiency of Mass Sports in China ———Empirical Analysis Based on Three-stage DEA-Malmquist Index Model
YU Zhe,LU Yuanzhao
(College of Physical Education and Health,Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541006 , China)
Based on the existing research on the performance evaluation of public expenditure on mass sports, the three-stage DEA-Malmquist index model is used to explore the static and dynamic efficien cy of public expenditure on mass sports in 31 provinces in China from 2013 to 2021. The results show that environmental factors have a significant impact on the efficiency of public expenditure on mass sports in China. After eliminating environmental factors and random disturbances, the comprehensive efficiency of public expenditure on mass sports in China has been improved, but it is still restricted by scale efficiency, and there is a certain room for improvement. There is a heterogeneity characteristic of “eastern> central> western” among regions, and the comprehensive efficiency gap between prov inces is large. From the dynamic changes of Malmquist index and its decomposition, the total factor productivity index has been optimized, in which technological progress has played a major promoting role. Based on these, it is proposed to strengthen the overall management of resources, create multi ple collaborative entities, improve the transfer payment system, and improve the level of budget in formatization.
Key words:  mass sports  public expenditure  efficiency  three-stage DEA-Malmquist index mode

