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(浙江师范大学体育与健康科学学院,浙江金华 321004;华东交通大学体育与健康学院,南昌 330013)
践行全球本土化策略为中国体育对外传播赋能增效提供了新路径。借 《雄狮少年》个案剖析,理解中国体育对外传播的文化表征和中国梦意蕴表达,具体表现为:融入集体主义的英雄情结, 植根乡愁叙事的现实主义,赓续民族精神的励志故事,烘托中国式浪漫的写意性,超越刻板印象的文化自信。据此提出中国体育对外传播的全球本土化策略,包括:坚持放眼全球与回归本土相结合,秉持专业主义精神,弘扬全人类共同价值,打造中国式英雄主义和现实主义;以影视民俗等新业态,助力探索我国民族传统体育对外传播新路径;在传统文化中汲取创作力量,融入中国式浪漫的写意风格,提升新时代中国体育国际传播新势能;赓续民族精神,树立中国体育文化自信,加快推进中国体育自主话语与叙事体系建设,赋能中国体育对外传播。
关键词:  中国体育  对外传播  全球本土化  动画电影  现实主义
Glocalization Strategies for International Communication of Chinese Sports ———Expanding from I Am What I Am
HUANG Lu,LONG Guanglan,LI Duoduo
(College of Physical Education and Health Sciences, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004 , China;School of Physical Education and Health, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang 330013 , China)
Practicing the glocalization strategy provides a new path for China’s sports external com munication to empower and increase efficiency. Through the case study of I Am What I Am, this pa per tries to understand the cultural representation of the international communication of Chinese sports and the expression of the implication of the Chinese dream. The specific performance is as fol lows: the heroic complex integrated into collectivism, the realism rooted in nostalgia narrative, the inspirational story of continuing the national spirit, the romantic freehand brushwork of Chinese style, and the cultural self-confidence beyond the stereotype. Based on this, the glocalization strategy of China’s sports international communication is proposed, including: adhering to the combination of global vision and returning to the local, adhering to the spirit of professionalism, promoting the com mon value of all mankind, and creating Chinese heroism and realism; with new formats such as film and television folklore, we will help explore a new path for the external dissemination of traditional ethnic sports in China; absorbs creative power in traditional culture, integrates Chinese romantic free hand style, and enhances the new potential energy of Chinese sports international communication in the new era; continuing the national spirit, establishing the self-confidence of Chinese sports culture, accelerating the construction of Chinese sports independent discourse and narrative system, and em powering the international communication of Chinese sports.
Key words:  Chinese sports  international communication  glocalization  animated movie  realism

