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(山东体育学院体育管理学院,济南 250102)
关键词:  体育  共同富裕  三次分配  体育产业  转移支付  公共体育服务  体育慈善组织  体育志愿服务
基金项目:国家社会科学基金项目 (22BTY067)
The Internal Logic, Current Situation and Reform Suggestions of Sports Helping the Common Prosperity Material Life in China ———Based on the Perspective of the Third Distribution Theory
HUAN Changdian
(School of Sports Management, Shandong Sports University, Jinan 250102 , China)
Using the methods of literature and logical analysis, this paper discusses the problem of common prosperity of material life in China’s sports according to the triple distribution theory. It is believed that the market promotes the primary distribution through the development of the sports in dustry, the government promotes the secondary distribution through public sports services, and the society promotes the third distribution through sports charity activities. China’s sports industry has achieved remarkable results in promoting the common prosperity of material life. The specific per formance is as follows: the sports industry promotes the sustainable development of the economy and society and becomes an important area for absorbing employment; the transfer payment system has balanced the financial gap between regions and levels, and the government’s investment in public sports services has been continuously enhanced; the system and function of sports charity organiza tions are becoming more and more perfect, and sports volunteer service is standardized and orderly de veloped. At the same time, there are also conflicts between the sports industry and the lack of rich people and the absorption of employment structure; transfer payment performance is not high, the government investment growth is slow; there are other issues, including the lack of social support for sports charity and the lack of long-term mechanism of sports volunteer service. To this end, we should adhere to the CPC’s leadership and the people-centered development concept, and promote the process of sports to help common prosperity; we should make the sports industry bigger and stron ger, and consolidate the basis of initial distribution with market competition; strengthen the govern ment’s responsibility and do a good job of secondary distribution with fairness as the guide; at the so cial level, we should create an atmosphere of sports charity and contribute to the third distribution.
Key words:  sports  common prosperity  the third distribution  sports industry  transfer payment  public sports services  sports charity organization  sports volunteer service

