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(南京体育学院体育教育与人文学院,南京 210014;南京体育学院研究生部,南京 210014)
民国时期,河北女师音乐体育系致力于女子体育人才培养,为我国女子体育教育事业作出了巨大贡献。运用文献资料法和多重互证法,从办学沿革、招生情况、课程设置等方面对该机构的发展进行考证。表明:该机构创设于1931年,历经音乐体育系、体育系、体育专修科等多次迭名,1949年与中央国体专校合并为河北师范学院体育系后停办。张汇兰、杜隆元、罗爱华曾任该机构负责人;其培养目标经历了从具备音乐技能和体育素养的综合人才,到体育指导及社会体育干部,再到中小学体育指导人才的演变;修业年限主要为4年,间有3年或5年;采用统一校考与推免相结合的方式进行招生,先后招收新生约110名;不同时期均采用学分制与学年制相结合的方式进行教学管理;课程设置按系别、性质、内容分类,课程数量 “先下降、后平稳”,课程比重呈现 “重学科、轻术科”特征。
关键词:  河北女师  音乐体育系  体育系  培养目标  招生  教学管理  课程
基金项目:国家社科基金项目 “清末民国时期体育教师教育史研究 (1903—1949)”(21BTY040)
Research on the Development of the Department of Music and Physical Education of Hebei Women’s Normal School during the Period of the Republic of China
ZHANG Yubao,SUN Peiran
(School of Physical Education and Humanities, Nanjing Sport Institute, Nanjing 210014 , China;Graduate School, Nanjing Sport Institute, Nanjing 210014 , China)
During the period of the Republic of China, the Department of Music and Physical Educa tion of Hebei Women’s Normal School devoted itself to the cultivation of women’s sports talents and made great contributions to the cause of women’s physical education in China. Using the method of literature and multiple mutual proofs, the development of the institution is studied from the aspects of school history, enrollment and curriculum setting. It shows that the institution was founded in 1931, and it has been renamed many times after the Department of Music and Physical Education, the De partment of Physical Education and the Specialized Subject of Physical Education. In 1949, it was merged with the Central State Physical Education College into the Department of Physical Education of Hebei Normal University and closed down. Zhang Huilan, Du Longyuan and Luo Aihua were the heads of the agency. Its training objectives have evolved from comprehensive talents with music skills and sports literacy to sports guidance and social sports cadres, and then to sports guidance talents in primary and secondary schools. The length of study is mainly 4 years, or 3 years to 5 years; the com bination of unified school examination and exemption was adopted to recruit students, and about 110 new students were enrolled successively. In different periods, the combination of credit system and academic year system is adopted for teaching management; the curriculum is classified according to department, nature and content. The number of courses decreases first and then stabilizes. The pro portion of courses shows the characteristics of “emphasizing subjects and neglecting technical sub jects.”
Key words:  Hebei Women’s Normal School  Department of Music and Physical Education  Depart ment of Physical Education  training objectives  enrollment  teaching management  courses

