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(广东第二师范学院 体育学院,广州 510303)
关键词:  媒介进化论  数字化健身  人性化  现代性危机  运动秩序  身体异化  个人隐私
Reflection of the Humanized Development Trend and Modernity of Digital Fitness from the Perspective of Media Evolution Theory
JIA Chen
(School of Physical Education,Guangdong University of Education,Guangzhou 510303 ,China)
In view of the change of fitness behavior and mode in the era of mobile Internet, this paper analyzes the humanized development trend of digital fitness from the perspective of media evolution theory, and discusses the diversified experience of people participating in sports under the form of digital fitness media. It is found that digital fitness relies on the intelligence, convenience and interactivity of fitness App in data recording, online teaching and instant messaging, which meets the humanistic needs of fitness participants in the process of sports participation. At the same time, through human-computer interaction, circle aggregation and multi-scene media compensation measures, digital fitness has brought three-dimensional experience such as body, emotion and immersion to exercisers. However, digital fitness also has potential perceived risks and social crises, which may cause people’s sports order to be separated, quantified body to be alienated and personal privacy to be violated. In view of the fact that digital fitness has been deeply embedded in people’s daily life, the “humanized” development of technology needs to be highly valued by the society and strictly supervised by the government to ensure its healthy and sustainable development.
Key words:  media evolution theory  digital fitness  humanized trend  crisis of modernity  sports order  body alienation  personal privacy

