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(中国民航管理干部学院 国际人才中心,北京 100102;北京市社会科学院 文化研究所,北京 100101;北京体育大学 体育商学院,北京 100084)
关键词:  度假型滑雪场  滑雪旅游  旅游吸引力评价
基金项目:国家社会科学基金资助项目“2022年北京冬奥会场馆赛后开发与利用研究”(19BTY010); 北京市社科基金决策咨询项目“北京冬奥场馆赛后利用与公共服务升级研究”(22JCC109)
Study on Tourism Attraction Evaluation of Ski Resorts in China
BAI Yunchao,RUAN Fei,ZHENG Jiaqi,LIN Xianpeng
(Civil Aviation International Talent Development Center, Civil Aviation Management Institute of China, Beijing 100102 , China;Institute of Culture Study, Beijing Academic of Social Sciences, Beijing 100101 , China;Business School of Sports, Beijing Sport University, Beijing 100084 , China)
Taking the tourism attraction of ski resorts in China as the research object, this paper uses Delphi method, questionnaire survey method and mathematical statistics method to identify the main factors that constitute the tourism attraction of ski resorts in China, and constructs the consumer evaluation index system of tourism attraction of ski resorts in China. On this basis, combined with the objective data of China’s ski resorts, the tourism attraction is comprehensively evaluated and ranked. It is found that ski resort facilities, traffic accessibility, leisure experience, natural environment and coach resources are the key factors affecting the tourism attraction of ski resorts. Based on this, it is believed that in the future, China’s ski resorts should focus on the above five aspects to further enhance tourism attraction: promote the construction of ski areas and improve ski resort service facilities; formulate preferential policies for snow field traffic and build an all-round transportation system; excavate local characteristics, improve the quality of catering and accommodation services, and fulfill the diverse needs of consumers; optimize the ski resort landscape, use high-tech means to improve consumer comfort; market precisely, build a characteristic teaching curriculum system, and enhance the stickiness of primary consumers.
Key words:  ski resort  ski tourism  tourism attraction evaluation

