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(湖南师范大学 体育学院,长沙 410012;广州体育学院,广州 510500)
关键词:  竞技体育  社会和市场力量  政社关系  元治理  自治  共治
基金项目:国家社科基金一般项目“我国竞技体育内生动力培育路径及治理机制研究”(16BTY088); 广东省教育科学“十三五”规划课题(2020GXJK101)
Thoughts on the Reform of the Relationship between Government and Society in the Development of Competitive Sports in China in the New Era
GU Dehong,WANG Ge,TIAN Bingbing
(Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410012 , China;Guangzhou Sport University, Guangzhou 510550 , China)
In order to better adapt to the changes of the main social contradictions in the new era and construct a new pattern of competitive sports development in China, this paper analyzes the reform of the relationship between government and society in the development of competitive sports in China by means of literature and interview. It is believed that the development inertia of strong government and weak society in the development of competitive sports in China still needs to be further broken, the development ability of social self-organization needs to be improved, and the role and function of government management need to be changed. In the new era, the development of competitive sports in China needs to pay attention to the reform of the relationship between government and society, from a strong government and a weak society to a strong government and a big social development pattern. The government guides the orderly development of social forces and cooperates with social forces to build a pluralistic governance mechanism. Specifically, it includes deepening the reform of “decentralization, management and service”, continuing to subtract the “national system” of competitive sports, strengthening social forces’ own construction, and playing a greater role in more areas. According to the stage characteristics of economic development, we should support the growth of social forces in a targeted manner. According to the type of participation, we should provide differentiated assistance for the development of social forces, do a good job in market supervision, guidance and standardization the growth of social forces, and actively promote government meta-governance, industry autonomy and multi-governance.
Key words:  competitive sports  social and market forces  relationship between government and society  meta-governance  autonomy  multi-governance

