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(河北体育学院 社会体育系,石家庄 050041;河北体育学院 马克思主义学院,石家庄 050041;上海体育学院 经济管理学院,上海 200438)
关键词:  体育彩票公益金  政策工具  内容分析  政策评估  政策偏好
Evaluation and Optimization Strategy of Sports Lottery Public Welfare Fund Policy from the Perspective of Policy Tools
SHI Juan,ZHOU Dong,LI Hai
(Department of Social Sports, Hebei Sport University, Shijiazhuang 050041 ,China;Department of Marxism, Hebei Sport University, Shijiazhuang 050041 ,China;School of Economics and Management, Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai 200438 ,China)
Sports lottery public welfare fund is an important source of funds for the development of sports and social welfare in China. The policy of sports lottery public welfare fund is the cornerstone and guarantee for the healthy development of sports lottery public welfare fund. Taking the policy text of sports lottery public welfare fund issued in China in the past 30 years as the object, based on the theory of policy tools, this paper quantitatively evaluates the three types of sports lottery public welfare fund policies of environmental type, supply type and demand type from the dimensions of policy intensity, policy coordination degree and policy perfection degree. It is believed that there are some problems in the current policy of sports lottery public welfare fund in China, such as low policy intensity, poor stability of coordination between policies and significant differences in policy perfection. It is pointed out that in the design of sports lottery public welfare fund policy, China should pay attention to the balanced use of policy tools, improve the legal effect and operability of the policy, and strengthen the systematicness and stability of the policy.
Key words:  sports lottery public welfare fund  policy instruments  content analysis  policy assessment  policy preferences

