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(首都体育学院,北京 100191;国家体育总局 体育科学研究所,北京 100061;河北体育学院,石家庄 050041;国家体育总局 信息中心,北京 100061)
目的:对比分析刘钰与畑冈奈纱一号木技术动作,揭示二人的技术特点和存在问题,为我国女子高尔夫球员一号木杆技术的训练提供参考。研究方法:采用文献资料法、实地考察法、三维录像拍摄法、录像解析法和数理统计法,对二人的一号木技术进行对比分析。结果:①刘钰和畑冈奈纱的最快杆头速度分别为105.83 mph、105.78 mph,球速分别为147.28 mph、144.13 mph;二人的球落点分别为254.5码和241码、起飞角度分别为12.3°和11.6°,二人的停球距离均为269.5码。②上杆过程中,畑冈奈纱的髋转动角度、肩转动角度和肩髋相对转动角度均大于刘钰。③上杆过程中刘钰重心前移,而畑冈奈纱重心后移;下杆过程中,刘钰重心前后移动的幅度较畑冈奈纱大,而重心从右至左移动的幅度较小;在下杆第2阶段,刘钰的重心高度较稳定,而畑冈奈纱的重心向上移动距离较大。结论:①刘钰在上杆过程中过快的杆头速度,不利于保持上杆顶点身体的稳定性;在下杆过程中刘钰的平均加速过程较为一致,应进行优化训练。②刘钰在上杆过程中肩髋相对转动不足,下杆过程中髋转动较多,但肩转动较少,对其改进可能会提升杆头速度。③刘钰在上杆过程中的重心前移较多,下杆过程中前后移动幅度较大,可能会造成击球不稳定;下杆过程中从右至左的移动幅度较小,不利于杆头速度的提升;在下杆第2阶段刘钰的重心上下保持稳定,而畑冈奈纱利用重心升高来提升杆头速度,弥补了身高不足的劣势。
关键词:  高尔夫球  刘钰  畑冈奈纱  一号木杆技术  三维运动学  对比
Comparative Study on 3D Kinematics of Liu Yu and Nasa Hataoka Driver Techniques
ZHAN Genghao,WANG Zefeng,ZHAO Zilong,XU Huayu,ZHU Pengyue,WU Shuyuan,HE Wenjie
(Capital University of Physical Education and Sports,Beijing 100191,China;Researcher Center of Sport Sciences, General Administration of Sport of China,Beijing 100061,China;Hebei Sport University,Shijiazhuang 050041,China;Information Center,General Administration of sport of China,Beijing 100061,China)
Objective: To compare and analyze the driver techniques of Liu Yu and Nasa Hataoka, reveal their technical characteristics and problems, and provide reference and help for the training of Chinese women golf players’ driver techniques. methods:Using the methods of literature, field investigation, 3D video shooting, video analysis and mathematical statistics to compare and analyze their driver techniques.Results:①The fastest club head speeds of Liu Yu and Nasa Hataoka were 105.83 mph and 105.78 mph, respectively, and the ball speeds were 147.28 mph and 144.13 mph; The landing points of them are 254.5 yards and 241 yards respectively, and the takeoff angles are 12.3 degrees and 11.6 degrees respectively, while the stopping distances of them are both 269.5 yards.②The hip rotation angle, shoulder rotation angle and shoulder hip relative rotation angle of Nasa Hataoka were greater than those of Liu Yu during the course of back swing.③The center of gravity of Liu Yu moved forward while that of Nasa Hataoka moves backward during the course of the back swing; During the down swing, Liu Yu’s center of gravity moved forward and backward more than that of Nasa Hataoka, while the center of gravity moved from right to left less; In the second stage of down awing, Liu Yu’s center of gravity was highly stable, while Nasa Hataoka’s center of gravity moved up a large distance in this stage.Conclusion:①The excessively fast speed of Liu Yu’s club head is not conducive to maintaining the stability of the body at the top of the back swing. The average acceleration process of Liu Yu in the downward bar is relatively consistent, which should be optimized.②The relative rotation of the shoulders and hips of Liu Yu is insufficient in the process of back swing. The hip rotates more in the process of down swing, but the shoulder rotates less. The improvement of this gap may increase the speed of the club head.③Liu Yu’s center of gravity moves forward a lot in the process of back swing, but moves back and forth greatly in the process of down swing, which may cause instability in hitting; The movement amplitude from right to left in the process of down swing is small, which is not conducive to the improvement of the speed of the club head; In the second stage of down swing, Liu Yu’s center of gravity remained stable, while Naisa Hataoka made up for her lack of height by increasing the center of gravity to increase the speed of the club head.
Key words:  golf  Liu Yu  Naisa Hataoka  driver techniques  3D kinematics  comparison

