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(首都体育学院 研究生部,北京100191)
关键词:  功能性训练  哲学  动作表现  身体运动  本体论  认识论  价值论  方法论
Philosophy Thinking of Research on Functional Training
TIAN Junlong
(Graduate School, Capital University of Physical Education and Sports, Beijing 100191, China)
Nowadays, research on functional training is mostly in the physical concrete level, unable to find the survival and development direction. Metaphysical “philosophical reflection” on the research of functional training helps to construct the theoretical system of functional training and points out the direction for its practice. From the perspective of ontology, this paper introduces that functional training comes from the action training rehabilitation program proposed by physical therapists for sports injuries. Action is the soul of functional training, and improving the action performance is the essence of functional training. From the perspective of epistemology, this paper holds that functional training treats body movement with the philosophical dialectical thought of integrity, connection and unity of opposites. Experience is upgraded to knowledge by analysis and correlation, recurrence and reconstruction. We can truly acquire and utilize knowledge through the two stages from internalization to externalization. From the perspective of axiology, we think that we should let the body return and respect the dominant position of the body in sports. Adhere to the developing, changing and dynamic perspective of physical exercise, pay attention to the sustainability of sports and put health in the first place. From the perspective of methodology, we think that we should take root in the real world and pay attention to the combination of theory and practice. We should adhere to the dialectical unity of inheritance and change, and deal with the relationship between functional training and traditional training, introduction and absorption. Uphold the road of “interdisciplinary” development, and actively promote the effective integration and multiple cross with other disciplines. The purpose is to build and improve the theoretical structure system of functional training.
Key words:  functional training  philosophy  action performance  body movement  ontology  epistemology  axiology  methodology

