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(宁夏大学 体育学院,银川750021)
关键词:  骑士文化  奥林匹克精神  骑士制度  中世纪  文化传承
Knight Culture:The Development of Olympic Inheritance
HUANG Shuyuan
(School of Physical Education, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021, China)
In the early Middle Ages, lords or nobles granted land to knights, which created conditions for the rise of them. Knight culture changes with the development of society. At first, it had obvious military characteristics emphasizing “loyalty” and “bravery”. When Christianity took control of power, it put on a strong religious color paying attention to “honor”, “sacrifice” and “pity”. After the change of military technology, the knights’ role in the war was gradually weakened, and they turned to pay attention to their own culture. Humility and gentleness were injected into the spiritual connotation. Christianity took asceticism as the doctrinal basis to suppress the development of sports, separated the “soul” and “body” of human beings, and used theocracy to crack down on all kinds of sports activities, resulting in the interruption of ancient Greek and Roman Olympic competitive tradition. Because of its particularity in the social structure at that time, the knight class inherited the classical Olympic spirit and culture in another way. Knight education is the survival of physical education, and we can see the shadow of “seven skills of knight” from the modern Olympic Games. Knight competition is an important platform to show the knight culture, and also an important carrier to inherit human sports civilization. In a word, the characteristics and connotation of knight fit well with the core of Olympic spirit. The development of modern Olympic sports still needs to inject and highlight knight culture.
Key words:  knight culture  Olympic spirit  knight system  Middle Ages  culture inheritance

