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(上海政法学院 警务学院,上海201701)
关键词:  国术  土洋体育之争  传统  武术  变革  中西文化冲突  现代体育
Modernization of Modern Chinese Martial Arts
LIU Hongjun
(Academy of Police, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai 201701, China)
Chinese national arts is the pronoun of modern Chinese martial arts which shoulders the mission of Chinese sports from the traditional to the modern in the modern social context of the “old and new” and “Chinese and Western” dispute. This paper makes a study on the modernization transformation of Chinese national arts by using the methods of literature review and logical analysis to provide reference for China’s sports reform in the future. In modern times, the concept of “the world” gradually disappeared, while the national consciousness flourished. Nationalism, cultural conflicts and other factors made the traditional sports face unprecedented struggle. The competition of local and foreign sports started with the new culture movement. The sports consensus with the characteristics of Chinese and Western culture has been transformed in dealing with the development relationship between Chinese traditional sports and western sports as well as the change and invariability of Chinese sports. The transformation from modern Chinese national arts to modern sports is not only a change of selfhelp, but also a transformation from traditional martial arts to modern sports separating the past and fighting against Westernization. The changes of Chinese national arts which are embedded in the historical development are constantly injected with new significance and show the synchronization with the national destiny of modern countries.
Key words:  Chinese national arts  the competition of local and foreign sports  tradition  martial arts  reform  cultural conflict between China and the West  modern sports

