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(首都体育学院 研究生部,北京100191)
关键词:  滑雪产业  滑雪场馆  资源  特征  数量  空间分布  上行设施  软件服务
A Study on Characteristics, Problems and Countermeasures of Ski Resort Resources in China
HE Xiaoya
(Graduate School, Capital University of Physical Education and Sports, Beijing 100191, China)
Ski resort resources are the important foundation of skiing, and also an important indicator to measure the highquality development of skiing industry.This paper analyzes the characteristics of China’s ski resort resources in terms of the number, spatial distribution, uplink facilities, sports space, software service function and so on based on the relevant data of China’s ski resort resources in recent years combined with the questionnaire survey results of skiers.It is pointed out that China’s ski resorts are mainly small and mediumsized ski resorts and the scale is generally small. In addition, the uplink facilities are not equipped enough and the experience effect is not good; the distribution of resources in the north and the south is unbalanced; and the contradiction between supply and demand is obvious; the function of skiing software is single and the content is not rich enough.It is suggested that China’s ski resorts should change their thinking from speedup to quality improvement, upgrade the existing ski resort resources, the scale and hardware facilities. It is pointed that we should do a good job in toplevel design, carry out cross regional cooperation, realize the convenient sharing of ski resort resources, and optimize online services and introduce advanced technology to improve the overall satisfaction of skiers.
Key words:  skiing industry  ski resort resources  resources  characteristics  number  spatial distribution  uplink facilities  software services

