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世界优秀女子高尔夫球员 准备姿势对挥杆技术的影响研究
关键词:  高尔夫  挥杆技术  女子职业球员  准备动作  生物力学
基金项目:国家体育总局体育科学研究所基本科研业务费(基本16 48)
A Study on the Influence of Preparation Posture on Swing Technique of World’s Elite Female Golfers
XU Huayu
(Capital University of Physical Education and Sports, Beijing 100191, China)
Objective: This paper analyzes the influence of some technical actions on the overall swing technology of the world’s elite female golf players to provide theoretical support and help for the scientific training of golf in China. Methods: Twodimensional video analysis methods were adopted to obtain the data of some parameters of driver preparation and swing technique of some excellent players in Le Coq Sportif Beijing Ladies Classic in 2019. Results:①There was significant correlation between the angle of knee joint, ankle joint, hip line and hip neck line, hip neck line and right arm (P<005). ②Back swing to 9 o’clock point, the angle between the club and the left arm, knee joint angle, ankle joint angle, hip neck line and right arm angle, and the angle between the club and the arm were all significantly correlated (P<005).Back swing to 9 o’clock point, the angle between the club and the left arm, knee joint angle and ankle joint angle were negatively correlated. There was a significant correlation between the angle of the neck at the moment of hitting and the angle of the neck at the time of preparation (P<005). The angle of the neck at the time of preparation was 568 ± 2266 °smaller than that at the moment of hitting. Conclusion: The coach should consider the overall change brought by the change of single angle comprehensively in preparation, and change the swing radius of the upper stroke by adjusting the players’ preparation posture to save more energy for the lower stroke and improve the hitting effect. The angle of the neck at the moment of hitting is not the same as that at the time of preparation, which needs to be corrected in teaching and training.
Key words:  golf  swing technique  female professional player  preparation posture  biomechanics

