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现代足球的本质 ——女性球迷的介入行为
(上海体育学院 传媒与艺术学院,上海200438)
关键词:  现代足球  女性球迷  性学导向  情色文化  原始主义
The Nature of Modern Soccer: Interventional Behavior of Female Soccer Fans
LU Yunting
(School of Media and Arts, Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200438,China)
In the context of masculinity, football is a kind of rigid field, and it is also a kind of factory for forging tough men. After the intervention of female audience, the noumenon of football has changed qualitatively, and football is full of highly erotic elements. Under the stimulation of men's highintensity competition, female fans secrete too much hormone. Women thus project the energy of sexual selection on male competitors, and create a kind of mate selection standard full of wild sex appeal. The territory of football also shows a kind of lure element. The intervention of female fans almost deprives men of the right to explain football, and behind it is another feminist thought. The madness of the female fans has not only deeply touched the sensitive areas in the male spirit, but also rewritten the definition of football. Since then, football has gradually become a kind of prehistoric cultural form of popularization, performance and publicity. The primitive and modern meanings of football have been compromised here.
Key words:  modern football  female fans  sexuality oriented  erotic culture  primitivism

