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体育课是一种身体活动情景 ——《Old Favorites,New Fun》的启示
(河南大学 体育学院)
美国大卫·奥特曼教授在其著作《Old Favorites,New Fun》中认为体育课是一种活动情景,即创设有意义的身体活动经历。该书从内容编写上更符合小学阶段学生的身心发展特点,通过灵活多变的组织形式将玩与练很好地结合起来,使小学生真正健康、快乐、全面的成长。在对本书进行深入阅读的基础上,分析了活动情景创设的理念,指出增强学生的运动自信,通过渲染运动氛围、创新器材的使用提高学生的参与意愿,促进学生的全面发展是活动情景创设的目标。认为小学体育课程在内容创编方面应符合小学生身体素质发展敏感期的特点,在组织形式方面应尊重小学生的体育天性,扩充课堂练习时间,形成以教师为主导、学生为主体的教学模式,以促进我国小学体育课程改革及发展。
关键词:  小学生  体育课  身体活动情景  情景教学法  教学理念  内容创编  组织形式
Physical Education is a Scene of Physical Activity——The Enlightenment from Old Favorites, New Fun
ZHANG Zhi-yang
(School of Physical Education, Henan University)
In the book Old Favorites, New Fun, Professor David Altman from the United States notes that physical education is a sort of activity scene, that is, creating meaningful physical activity experiences. The book is both physically and mentally better in line with the developmental characteristics of students in primary school, and it combines play and practice through flexible and varied organizational forms to make primary school students truly healthy, happy and all-rounded. On the basis of in-depth reading of the book, this paper analyzes the idea of activity scene creation, points out that students’ confidence and willingness to participate in sports are enhanced by rendering sports atmosphere and using innovative equipment, and promoting students’ all-rounded development is the goal of activity scene creation . This paper believes that content creation of primary school physical education curriculum should meet the characteristics of the sensitive period of primary school students’ physical fitness development. In terms of organizational form, we should respect physical nature of primary school students, expand classroom practice time, and form a teacher-directed and student-oriented teaching model to promote reform and development of physical education curriculum in primary schools in China.
Key words:  primary school students  physical education class  physical activity scene  situational teaching method  teaching concept  content creation  organization form

